Sunday, September 2, 2007

Suggesed program to Modefy of Psychological Factors that sharing of Marital dissatisfaction

Tanta University
Faculty of Arts

Psychology Department
Suggested Program to Identify Some of Psychological Factors That Responsible of Marital Dissatisfaction
Synopsis for an M. A . Thesis For the Degree of Ph . Din Arts Department of Psychology
Submited By
Gehan Maher El komy
Prof..Dr.Khalid Ibrahim El-Fakharany


The following is summary of the study


The current study aims at identifying the program to develop some of psychological factor that responsible from marital dissatisfaction
To achieve these aims and find solutions for the study problems the following procedures have been following.

First : Devices :

The study used following devices

1- Demographic date list ( The researcher )
2- Marital satisfaction test ( The researcher )
3- The counseling program ( The researcher )

Second the study sample (the subjects)

The subjects have been chosen to achieve the aim of the study and to answer the predicted question .

1- A number of (20) couples in the experimental group for program applied .
2- A number of (20) couples in the control group for comparing with the experimental group in marital dissatisfaction and the effects of program .


1- There are significant statistical difference in marital dissatisfaction factors between the experimental and control group in per-counseling program.

2- There are significant statistical difference in marital dissatisfaction factors between the experimental and control group in post – counseling program.

3- There are significant statistical differences in martial satisfactions factors between pre and post – counseling program in experimental group .

4- There are significant statistical differences in martial satisfactions factors between post and follow up counseling program in experimental group .

5- There are significant statistical differences in martial satisfactions factors between wives and husbands in pre – program in experimental group.


1- The results showed significant statistical differences in marital dissatisfaction factors between the experimental and control group in per-counseling program.

2- The results showed significant statistical differences marital dissatisfaction factors between the experimental and control gro3- The results showed significant statistical differences in martial satisfactions factors between pre and post – counseling program in experimental group .

4- The results showed no significant statistical differences in martial satisfactions factors between post and follow up counseling program in experimental group .

5- The results showed significant statistical differences in martial satisfactions factors between wives and husbands in pre – program in experimental group.up in post – counseling program .

Suggesed program to Modefy of Psychological Factors that sharing of Marital dissatisfaction

Tanta University Faculty of Arts Psychology Depar tment Suggested Program to Identify Some of Psychological Factors That Respons...